1 Corinthians 8:9...Freedom and Responsibility...

“Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”

During Paul’s time this message was very targeted at making sure that Christians did not exercise their freedom without regard for those it might trouble. Many people at the time were observing those of faith to see where they could accuse them of stepping outside the laws and constraints of the Old Testament Law. Paul, preaching the freedom that God had instructed him, was careful to add that while foods that were once restricted and now allowed to be consumed, caution should be observed in doing this. Many unbelievers were using this new freedom as condemnation of Christians and therefore hurting or preventing new believers faith. Today, with the advent of social media, cameras in everyone’s hands and video always being taken, believers will be ever more so under attack. Satan wants to kill and destroy and he will use any and every tool available to do so. As Christians we should exercise caution, be vigilant and thoughtful with our actions, our words and how we interact with the world. It is, after all, our display of God’s love and forgiveness that the world needs to see.

Alan B Conner

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