Psalm 139:13-14...You Are A Blessing...
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.For fifty years we have lived with the wrongful decision of our high court as it pertains to abortion. Millions of unborn babies have been lost due to a selfish and greedy generation of leadership. For years we as Christians have prayed for healing, for a change and for our nation to move against this horrible and despicable decision. At long last God has answered our prayers and now we must be diligent in our efforts and in our prayers to bring good people of faith to leadership as we pray for God to continue to heal our country. Our God is a merciful God. He stands ready to forgive and to heal. We lift up our prayers and our praise Lord and ask that you continue to bless each of us and to bless our country in a way that only you are able. Thank you Lord for this miracle and for your grace!!
Alan B Conner