Genesis 1:1...In The Beginning...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Many will be shocked in eternity when this scripture is shown to be accurate and true. Far too much effort and thought have been given by man to another alternative method of the creation of earth. Untruths have been forwarded and outright lies have been marked as fact about the age of the earth and time before man. All of these are deceptions of the devil to sway man from the truth, God Created the Heavens and the Earth. Not man, not some happenstances of worlds colliding, no Big Bang and certainly not some evolutionary progression of time and space. God Created. He is that powerful, and then even more. He is that creative, and even more. All that we can possibly think of God, His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, His compassion, His love. All of these, He is even more than we can possibly fathom. So too is his creation, more than we can consider within the confines of our human limitations. Thank You Lord for your Creation!


Alan B Conner

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