Romans 14:19...Lift Each Other Up...

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Imagine, if you will, most Christians following the sage advice handed down to us by Paul in the verse for today. Instead of jealousy, back-biting and discouraging words we should lift one another up, encourage each other as often as possible and always find a mutual way to live in peace. Instead of finding all of the wrong in those around us we should be targeting the good within each other. As we support and help each other along the journey of life we will find that the bumps in the road are smaller and the praises are more often. When we spend less time tearing down and more time building up we will find that joy fills our hearts and praise is always on our lips. Make the effort today to be more uplifting and encouraging to those around you.


Alan B Conner

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