Genesis 18:13-14...Believe in Miracles...

Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

Sarah was very old, well beyond her childbearing years. She had been promised a son by God but it seemed as though this would never be fulfilled. Again the Lord reassured both Abraham and Sarah a son would be forthcoming in the very next year. I imagine Sarah was like many of us and just could not wrap her head around giving birth at such an age. We are prone to adhere to conventional wisdom when it comes to what seems impossible. We default or retreat to the idea that the mountain before us is too high to scale or impossible to go around. “Is anything too hard to the Lord/“ We all know the answer so why do we hesitate to believe it when we are faced with impossible circumstances? Our faith needs to be bold, unswerving and steadfast in our Lord. He can overcome anything, conquer everything and direct our lives for HIs benefit. Exercise faith and prayer and live in hope.


Alan B Conner

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