Isaiah 49:13...Shout for Joy!...
Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
When all the world around us seems to be in chaos we are comforted but he fact that we are God’s children and that our hope and our faith are not of this world. Remarkable as it may sound, when I looked around yesterday at the people that crossed my path I realized that many, if not most, were happy. Experiencing a threat and facing certain problems ahead most were pleasant and courteous. Despite the efforts of media or rebel rousers you could see and feel the presence of the Lord. If you look closely at anything in your path you will see the hand of God and because of that we should be shouting for joy and rejoicing in song that He is Lord and that we are His children. God is in control!
Alan B Conner