Isaiah 30:18...In a Hurry?


"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!

Our world moves at a blinding rapid pace. We are surrounded daily by a society of instant gratification, overnight deliveries and on demand entertainment. It would seem that no one is willing to wait for anything any longer. Patience no longer exist in this environment. When we join this fast paced, on demand lifestyle we start to think that God is just another resource that we can draw from immediately. That means that we are then living on our timetable and not God’s. Trouble with that theory is that God already has all of this planned out, to the end. God is not in a hurry, His timing is perfect, His delivery is spot-on and always on time. Trust in God’s timing and not your own, His is perfect, and so is His timing!


Alan B Conner


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