Proverbs 11:25...What can you give?


“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

The world around us today lives by the rule of “get all you can, can all you get and sit on that can.” In other words collect all that you are able, pile it up and use it only for yourself. That is not the generous and giving spirit that God has given to us as Christians. We are instructed time and again to give to those that are less fortunate, to help each other out and to lift up and encourage those who are down. By doing these things we are spreading the love of Christ through our actions and expressing the value of God in our hearts. Talk is cheap and easy but acting when you know there is a need requires insight and generosity. Jesus gave of himself time and again and gave His life so that we might live eternally. Giving, even just a helping hand, is our best move.


Alan B Conner


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