Proverbs 19:11.. Wisdom from Grace..
"A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.”
We all have known people who become increasingly agitated as the day goes by, allowing things to pile on and increase their sensitivity. Some of these are people whose mission seems to be to look for thing to criticize or complain about. If we look for mistakes and flaws in those around us we will surely find them. We all have them and we all are going to make errors. I love the old saying, “We learn from our mistakes”, this is part of how we gain wisdom. God has given us the gift of grace, which we should share abundantly with others. Instead of condemning us for our sins, Christ came to show us mercy, forgiveness and love. We should act accordingly, giving the same grace and lovingkindness to others, showing them, through our words and our actions, who lives in our hearts and who is in charge of our lives. Remember that from the abundance of the heart, speaks your mouth.
Alan B Conner