‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:14...Kindness means a lot...


“From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.”

How we act and what we say during the course of each day stems from what we believe in our hearts. Sure, we can have bad days but our general comportment is dictated by what fills our hearts. If our normal attitude is to push people aside, ignore extending kindness or to pay little attention to those in need, we need to examine our heart and fill it with the love of Christ. It is our promise that in doing so we will be filled to overflowing, bubbling up and raining down on those around us. This unbridled, passionate love for others will cause us to put others before ourselves, speak kindly to everyone and to embrace our loved ones. Filling our hearts, and minds, with the love of Christ, through the study of His word and examining the example He set will cause us to be kind when we speak, helpful to those beside us and to be generous to those in need. Oh that the love of God touch everyone we meet through us. Lord use us as your vessel.

Alan B Conner

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