Psalm 147:4-5...He Knows Every Star By Name...

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.

We know that God is acutely aware of everything that concerns us. He knows the number of hairs on our head and He knows our thoughts and intentions. Nothing is hidden from Him. Even more, He knows each of the stars in the universe and calls each of them by name. That is something to try and wrap your head around. God knows it all, He created it all and He is in control of it all. When we are able to grasp a small understanding of that we can let go of our worries. E are infinitely more important to God than the stars and He knows our name and what is in our heart and mind. Stay focused on His Word and steadfast in lifting up His name in honor and praise. Thank you Lord for know who I am and for loving me in spite of myself!


Alan B Conner

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