Genesis 1:1...In the Beginning...

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.

As we start our journey together through 2024 let’s remember to focus on what is true and what is the basis or foundation of our faith. God is supreme. He created the heavens and the earth. Not over a long period of time but in one day, one 24 hour period. This is the God we serve. He is responsible for creating everything we see, touch, taste or hear and He has given us the joy of experiencing all that He has created. When we see and understand how great, powerful and enormous God really is we cannot help but worship Him. During this year we will meet many people who, for one reason or the other, doubt the God we serve. Many of them have been trained to cast dispersions on our faith and for that reason we must be resolute. God is in control, God is over all and God is Love. Keep these truths close to your hearts and maki sure that we set aside time to study His Word. 2024 promises hope and each day with God we find new reasons to thank and praise His Holy name.

Many Blessings,

Alan  B Conner

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