Genesis 24:45-46...Answered Prayer...
Good Morning,
“Before I finished praying in my heart, Rebekah came out, with her jar on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew water, and I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink.’ “She quickly lowered her jar from her shoulder and said, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too.’ So I drank, and she watered the camels also.
Answered Prayers. The scripture above is the revelation of an answered prayed. Abraham sent his person in charge of all he possessed to his home country and land to find a wife for his son Issac. The instructions were clear and the messenger was charged with a very important task. Rather than depend on his own discernment or liking he prayed that God would send to him the woman that was destined to become Issac’s wife. His prayer was very specific and before he could finish praying Rebekah came along and drew water for him and even the camels, this fulfilled the exact request of the man in search of Issac’s wife. God had answered prayer and even to the finest detail of the request. He is still doing this today. As we pray to God and make our request known we should be specific. Even though God already knows our hearts and minds He wants us to reach out to Him. He wants to fulfill our request as they pertain to His direction for our lives. Pray, it is the purest form of communication with God. He is waiting to hear from us…
Alan B Conner