John 3:16 ... Believe in Jesus...

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

From the beginning of time God knew us. Yes, He has known us forever and He also knew that He would have to send His only Son to die on the cross for our sins. The price for our sins has been paid in full and all we need in order to gain eternal life with God is to believe. Such a simple thing yet so many refuse to acknowledge, let alone believe, in God. So many distractions and so many promises of things in this world make it hard to understand the importance of our faith in Jesus Christ. We have been given the most valuable treasure of all time in the forgiveness of our sins. The things of this world will not compare to those of eternity. What we measure here will pale in comparison to what we experience with God now and forever. There is only one thing in life that is free and yet worth everything, that is the salvation that Jesus offers to all. Open your heart and let Jesus come in , allow Him to fill your life with His amazing love…


Alan  B Conner

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