Psalm 19:14...Use Your Words Wisely...

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
 My Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

We have all heard the old saying of “watch what you say” but do we really think about what we say or do we simply blurt out the first thing the comes to mind. More often we seem to choose the later as we feel we may not be heard or as if we were in a race to be the first to respond. Word matter and how we use our language to communicate to others is especially important. We must be careful not to be cruel or abusive. We must make certain that we do not use our words to tear someone down but rather we should use them to lift each other up and to encourage. Our words should be the result of our meditation and our study of God’s word. Our words should be “seasoned with salt” made for conveying the love of God. May each of you be blessed…


Alan B Conner

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