James 1:19-20...Listen and You Will Hear...
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
Yelling and screaming, ranting and raving, they seem to surround us. It seems that today's model for communication is to find out who can scream the loudest and who is the most angry in the group. We hear, according to experts, that it is all about getting the story out and yet if everyone is getting the story out (speaking) who is listening? With so much noise in the air it is imperative that we find a quiet place to get alone with God and be able to listen intently to what He has to say to each of us. Once we are able to listen we can then understand how to communicate, how and when to speak and how to control our anger. Remaining calm in troublesome circumstances exemplifies God within us and communicates to everyone that He lives in our heart.
Alan B Conner