Merry Christmas!!!

Over the course of the next several days we will celebrate Christmas with our families and loved ones. This is such a special time of year as we reflect on the birth of Jesus and all that this means to us as Christians. We will gather and exchange gifts, share meals, tell stories and we will spend time setting work aside and participating in activities that refresh our hearts and minds. During this Christmas season take time with your loved ones to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Take a few minutes and reflect on the birth of Christ. Ponder in your heart the importance of His birth and your salvation and be certain to raise a Hallelujah and Amen for God’s divine plan. Also pause to look around and rejoice that we are able to exercise our faith and that we are able to share with others the love of Christ.

May all of you enjoy the warm embrace of family and friends and may you each have a Merry Christmas!!!


Alan B Conner

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