Psalm 22:27-28...God Has Control...
“All the ends of the earth will remember ad turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.”
Contrary to what many people in high places believe, God still rules over all the earth. Many of our national and world leaders live in delusional fog that they somehow are in control of everything from stock markets to climate control. They have become deeply entrenched in manipulation and deceit, feeding off of power and control. This arrogant behavior will one day be required to answer for turning away from God. Today, tomorrow and for all time, God is still in control. As Christians, armed with this knowledge, we must lead the way, by example and in our daily walk. We must lead with our speech and with our kindness, with our charity and with our love. God has given us immeasurable gifts and lavished us with His love, all to share with those around us. Lead by example, love those around you and live the life that exemplifies God’s love for you.
Alan B Conner