Acts 10:34-35...Tell Everyone...

“Then Peter began to speak,’I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.’’

There may be moments in our lives that we believe that God’s word is only for those in our our close circle of friends or for those on our block or neighboring area. The early church believed that Christ was to be shared only with Jews and was exclusive to them as a nation. God used Peter to spread His gospel to the Gentiles and further, even to the world at large, because God’s Word and saving grace are for every who hears and is drawn by the Spirit to believe. We should be careful not to selectively exclude anyone from hearing about Jesus. Quite the opposite is true. Jesus’ love and His gospel message of salvation should be shared with everyone as evidence of our own salvation. As much as we delight in sharing things that happen to us everyday through social media, conversation and pictures, we should experience just as much enthusiasm is sharing what Jesus has done for us. How He changed our lives and how He saved us. Share the gospel with everyone.


Alan B Conner

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