John 14:27...Nothing to Fear...

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Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Fear is something that we should not entertain in our lives. All around us today there are many forces that use this tactic to make us cower and become isolated. This is not what God intended for us. Fear is a tool of satan and it is used to keep us from fulfilling our potential as Christians. We must be bold in our faith and resolve in the fact that we are in the arms of Jesus. Peace is a gift Jesus places in our hearts and lives. A resting place in His Word and a comfort in times of need. His peace is unlike any other. Though we face many trials and troubles through our lives we must remember that God has everything under control. His plan is perfect and we do not need to be afraid, rather we should find comfort in the peace that God our Father affords us.


Alan B Conner

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