Job 19:25...He Lives !...

“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth.”

Amid all the troubles and plagues Job had encountered, he was absolutely certain of his savior and certain of his redemption. No matter what he faced he looked to God and was unwavering in his faith. As Christians today we need to display that same courage and conviction, the willingness to speak out and proclaim that we know our redeemer and we know that He lives. Our course in life is not easy and there will be many trials and troubles that will come our way, but we must always be certain that Christ is Lord, that He sits on the throne, and that He is in control of all things. Throughout our lives, this conviction and steadfast commitment will enable others to see and know that what we profess is certainly true and from our heart. God’s love for us reaches beyond anything that may come our way and His protection surrounds us always.


Alan B Conner

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