Philippians 2:14-15...You Are A Beacon in the Storm...
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.
If you try to keep up with the world today through the lens of the media you would think that everything we do and every breath that we take is dedicated to arguing about something. Almost, in fact, that it seems as if arguing is the point or main focus of any subject. Beware of how that lens is focused! There is a tremendous amount of good in the world today. It does not take long to find it either. It lies within you, within your Christian brothers and sisters. We are all blessed with many gifts that God has given to us. Compassion, mercy, grace, love, kindness, charity and hope. We share these with everyone around us daily through our actions and words. In a "warped and crooked generation" we are the shinning light to display the spirit that works within us. Let your light shine…
Alan B Conner