James 3:17-18...God's Peace is Perfect...


... wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

We are experiencing a time of great turmoil in our country. Looting, rioting and unrest seem to be all around us ready to consume us at any moment. Fear is what our enemy exudes. This is when we must rally the wisdom that God gives us. Peace-loving, and considerate and full of mercy. Many of those that are causing chaos in our streets are merely followers, rilled up by those bent on destruction. As Christians we are the peacemakers, slow to anger, merciful and sincere in our approach to promote peace. We have an obligation in these times to pray for our city, state and national leaders that wisdom, true God given wisdom will prevail. Many of us wonder what we can do and yet we know that prayer is our greatest resource. Don’ t be fooled by satan’s lies or trapped by what you see portrayed, God is still in control and to Him we owe our honor and praise. Pray for peace and pray for wisdom, both are bountiful and both are given by God.



Alan B Conner

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