Luke 5:15-16...Pause for a Moment...
“Yet the news about Him spread all the more, of that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sickness. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
In the fast paced life that surrounds us we are often left exhausted and without notice that we are also being consumed by that same frantic pace. It is highly important to set time aside for rest, recovery and most importantly for prayer and time alone with our Heavenly Father. Jesus took time, even when the crowds were pushing in, to retire to a quiet place and to speak with His Father. Prayer was important to Him and it should be the same with us. Imagine if you would what it would be like to go days or weeks without speaking to your spouse or to your best friend. For most of us this would be extremely difficult, yet there are times when we let the pressures of our daily lives push aside our communion with God. Make time each day to pray and to seek after the will of God.
Alan B Conner