2 Timothy 1:7...No Fear...


“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 

This verse requires reading several times, slowly, let the meaning of the words comfort your heart. God does not intend for us to live in fear, although there are many terrifying things around us in this day and age, we are not to give into the spirit of timidity. Our strength and our resolve lie in our faith, rooted in our belief in Christ Jesus. This belief gives us the power to overcome fear, to triumph over adversity and to push forward when we are exhausted from the journey. God has imparted to us HIs love and mercy so that we can call upon Him in any situation and in any crisis. We have the spirit of power but we also have the spirit of love which tempers our use of that power to doing good for others, helping those that are afraid, encouraging those that feel lost or lonely and lifting those that have fallen. We are the vessels that Christ uses everyday to show the world His love and to do so He has given us His Spirit to carry forth.

Alan B Conner

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