Psalm 24:1-2...Who is in Control?...


“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all that live in it, for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.”

There are many who would like to believe that they are in control until they realize that they are not. Let me expand on that. When we are given the authority to tell others what to do or when we complete a project and admire what we have accomplished with our hands or reach a goal, yet we do not acknowledge God and the talents He bestowed upon us or the leadership gifts that He instilled in our DNA,then we are complete and utter failures. Eventually we will hit a wall, HARD, and be forced to step back and look at what caused us to stumble. Pride, conceit and lack of understanding concerning who is really in control are major benefactors to failure. God created the world, why then is it so hard for us at times to believe that He is in control of it still today. In everything give God praise and in everything ask for His guidance and direction. These are the true keys to success.


Alan B. Conner

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