Psalm 51:10...Refreshment Ahead...
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
A great daily prayer for each of us! With the passing of each day and the busyness that surrounds us we tend to loose a little bit of what is really important, if we are not careful.The constant bombardment to our ears and the things we witness around us can erode our spirit until we become dull and cynical to everything and loose focus on our primary calling, to love one another. That is why a daily check-up, quiet communication and study in God’s Word and prayer, requesting renewed strength is vital to our hearts and minds. David had it right in that he always sought to be closer to God, even though he stumbles along the way, his focus remained steadfast. Remember this daily, “ask and you shall receive.” Seek to be closer to God and closer to His plan for your life.
Alan B Conner