Hosea 14:9...Wisdom and Understanding...

“Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.”

Time and again the prophets of old brought the message of God to the people of Israel, ‘Return to the Lord your God’. Yet the people would fall away, every time, ending up serving gods made of gold and silver, worshiping them as if these objects would bring them peace and prosperity. Today is not much different as we find many people worshiping at the alter of notoriety and pushing the agenda of anything goes as long as I am happy. They say, I need to be different, recognized and ultimately satisfied. Truth be told they just don’t understand. We are each created uniquely, set apart and we are recognized by God as His children. That makes us different, that makes us special, ’The ways of the Lord are right’, a simple truth. Also the most solid of any foundation, in any given time.  Building our lives on that foundation will bring peace to our hearts and minds and more satisfaction than we can imagine. Seek wisdom and apply it to your life.


Alan B Conner

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