Galatians 3:26...Your Best Clothes...

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ.”

As we prepare to meet each day we are careful to select what we wear, making sure that our garments are tidy and also that they make us feel good. What we choose to wear works well for both our appearance to others and for our own satisfaction. When we accepted Jesus into our hearts we are baptized into Christ and now are clothed with Christ. Rather than just having Christ in our hearts we are also wrapped about with Him. What a terrific appearance this spiritual clothing gives to us and even more what marvelous and wonderful comfort it brings to us. Every day, all day we experience the comfort of having Christ within and without. We feel His presence surrounding us and we present His awesomeness openly as we walk through each day. Christ should be as readily apparent in our countenance as a new set of clothes and should bring as much delight to our hearts as any gift ever received.


Alan B Conner

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