Psalm 103:11-12...More than May Be Measured...
“For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy to those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions.”
Measurement is an important tool that we use everyday. How far have we have traveled, how much work have we accomplish, how long the day seems when there is much to accomplish. There are some measurements that are too outstanding or overwhelming for us to comprehend. Such as how much water is in the oceans, how much sky is above, how large is the universe. Even these questions have a finite answer to them, Though we may not be privy to them. In the verses above God has used measurement to help us understand that His mercy is infinite and that He has separated us from our transgression by a measure that has no boundaries. When we think of God we have to understand that He is so much bigger than what we can imagine and His grace and mercy are more than can be measured, or even imagined.
Alan B Conner