James 1:16-18...Perfect Gifts...

“Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created."

Once we are able to fully understand and accept that we fall considerably short of God’s plan for us and that we are pulled or dragged of course by our own nature, we can then clearly see that God is the origin and creator of all that is good. Everything that is perfect, beautiful, awesome and good are from Him. He is never changing, never ceasing and never less than perfect in all that He does. His love is perfect and manifested in the sacrifice of HIs Son Jesus for the sake of our sins so that we might be able to be rescued from our sin and live in communion and under His protection. Every time you receive a good gift, from the smell of spring flowers to the warming of the sun, remember to give God thanks!.


Alan B Conner

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