Genesis 1:27...Made In His image...
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
This is a central truth of God that our current society has forgotten, or just ignores. We were specifically created by God, made in His image and given a purpose. The basic right of life, as given by God, is not even recognized in our country today. We are expected to trust our leadership, having no regard for human life, to make other decisions that will be good or benefit our lives. Although we must yield to the authority that God has placed in our government and leadership we must be centrally focused on what we as Christians know to be right and holy, living our lives to be pleasing to God and to bring praise and honor to His name. That means that we will have to love our enemies, pray for those that persecute us and share what we have with others. Pray that you are able to fulfill the plans that God has for you each day, making the most of every opportunity.
Alan B Conner