1 Chronicles 16:34... Thankful Hearts...
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.”
We live in a world that has come to expect, somehow, they deserve to be lavished with riches, or that they deserve to be recognized and placed on a pedestal, praised for each and every action. Some have even reached the conclusion that because of circumstances or situations they deserve something better. Truth be told we all deserve only one thing and that is what our sinful nature gets us, a place of eternal damnation. We were born, as all men are, in sin and destined to live in sin all of our lives, yet God, provided for us a promise, unearned and undeserved, through His Son Jesus Christ, that saves us from our certain destiny. This unmerited favor and marvelous grace, given to us, is enough to warrant our thanks and praise to God every minute of every day, for all eternity. Be certain to include God’s grace and mercy in your Thanksgiving list this week, and in your prayers daily.
Alan B Conner