Matthew 13:33...How Is Your Relationship...
The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.
When we commit ourselves to become like Christ we are asking Him to work through our lives much the same as the yeast in the parable above works its way through the dough. This means that God will work His will in every aspect of our lives, touching our every thought and covering every corner of our life. We are not able to give God only a portion or hold out a piece of our lives that we think we can control or manipulate by ourselves. God is in control of everything and we must be careful not to get out in front of His perfect plan, however we must also be equally as careful not to fall behind. We should be diligent in the reading of God’s word and the understanding of His direction for each of us. We must also be faithful in our prayers and conversation with God. We are in a relationship with Christ which requires communication, dedication and faithfulness. God is always and will evermore be faithful to His children.
Alan B Conner