I Corinthians 15:33...Choose Wisely Your Friends...
Do not be mislead; Bad company corrupts good character!
“Be careful who you spend time with.” You heard it from your parents when you were little and you may even use the phrase today on your own children. We are influenced by the people we spend a great deal of time with. Therefore we should be careful to observe the character of our closest friends. Not to say that we shouldn't be a beacon of light to those that we fear are not saved, neither should we avoid sharing the gospel with anyone. Rather we must make certain that our quality time is spent surrounded by those we can encourage and lift up and by the same token receive encouragement for our own spiritual wellbeing. It is far easier to be pulled down than to be lifted up and we must be careful not to be swept into the mire of complacency by allowing the influences of bad company to chip away at our character. Stand together, united as one, anointed by God with love and compassion.
Alan B Conner