Psalm 68:19-20...Give it All to Jesus...


Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens.
Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.

In the course of our daily life we have concerns that arise from time-to-time that become burdens if we are not careful. Whether they are health related, financial, concerns about our job or matters that relate to our family, they will come sooner or later. If we are not careful these will consume our thoughts and become burdens that will squelch our joy in the Lord. Our concerns and our burdens are best left at the feet of Jesus who gladly bears them for us. He will carry us through. He will will provide for our needs and He will always love us and comfort our hearts and minds. We have a God who saves and who cares for us constantly, praise be to the Lord.


Alan B Conner

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