Psalm 24:1-2...Who does this belong to?
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it, for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.”
While we work to become better Christians and better servants, one thing we must deal with up front is ownership. Not only of our lives and our hearts but of everything that we can see or touch. God owns it all, He created it all and provides it all for our needs and our pleasure. Once we establish that it all belongs to God it becomes easier to give to those in need, to reach out to those that need help and share without counting the cost. It is not as easily done, as said. We are a very possessive culture and that creates a conflict within if we are not careful to keep our focus on the truth. Thank God each day for al that He has entrusted to you and ask how He would have you use it for HIs kingdom.
Alan B Conner